Linux-Arbeitskreis Hamburg



Es handelt sich hierbei um ein Modul zur Erweiterung des Apache. Die Software ist zu beziehen unter oder hier. Nach der Eigentlichen PHP-Installation muß der Apache neu compiliert werden, damit das php-Modul eingebunden wird.


Bevor man an die PHP-Installation gehen kann, muß sichergestellt sein, daß der Apache-Quelltext zur Verfügung steht. YAST installiert im Verzeichnis /usr/src/packages/apache eine Datei namens apache_1.2.0.tar.gz (die Nummer kann abweichen). Man wechselt in dieses Verzeichnis und entpackt das Archiv:

cd /usr/src/packages/apache
tar xvfz apache_1.2.0.tar.gz

Damit ist dieser Teil erledigt.

Man kopiert die Quelle z.B. php-2.0b10.tar.gz (die Versionsnummer kann sich inzwischen erhöht haben) in das Verzeichnis /usr/local

und entpackt es mittles

tar xvfz  php-2.0b10.tar.gz

Dabei wird ein Verzeichnis php-2.0b10 eingerichtet. Man wechselt in dieses Verzeichnis und findet dort wieder eine Datei namens README, die die weitere Installation beschreibt.

Nach dieser Anweisung geht man folgendermaßen vor:


Es werden mehrere Angaben abgefragt, die man im Zweifelsfall mit RETURN übergehen sollte.
1. Ist mSQL installiert? YES
2. Pfad zum mSQL?   /usr/local/Hughes
6. Frage nach anderen Datenbanksystemen? No
7. Would you like .. as Apache module? YES
8. Für Apache neuer als 1.1? YES
10. Pfad zu den Apache Sourcen: /usr/src/packages/apache/apache_1.2.0/src
13. .. dbm oder mSQL-Format? m

Dann wechselt man ins Unterverzeichnis src

cd src


Danach sollte die eigentliche Installation ablaufen. Wenn alles klappt, dann werden die Dateien mod_php.c, mod_php.h und libphp.a in das Apache-Verzeichnis kopiert worden sein. Falls man für die Apache-Quellen einen falschen Pfad angegeben hatte, so ist das natürlich nicht erfolgt und man muß die Dateien "von Hand" kopieren.

Damit ist die Installation von PHP abgeschlossen.

Neucompilation des Apache

Zum Abschluß muß noch der Apache selber neu compiliert werden. Dazu wechselt man in das src Verzeichnis von Apache:

cd /usr/src/packages/apache/apache_1.2.0/src

dort findet sich eine Datei INSTALL, die die Installation beschreibt. Die zentrale Konifgurationsdatei heißt Configuration. Diese Datei muß dann z.B. mit joe editiert werden:

joe Configuration

In dieser Datei muß man zwei Änderungen vornehmen:

Vorsichtshalber gebe ich hier meine vollständige Datei Configuration an (Änderungen sind fett hervorgehoben):


# Config file for the Apache httpd.

# Configuration.tmpl is the template for Configuration. Configuration should
# be edited to select the modules to be included as well as various flags
# for Makefile.

# The template should only be changed when a new system or module is added,
# or an existing one modified. This will also most likely require some minor
# changes to Configure to recognize those changes.

# There are 5 types of lines here:

# '#' comments, distinguished by having a '#' as the first non-blank character
# Makefile options, such as CC=gcc, etc...
# Rules, distinquished by having "Rule" at the front. These are used to
# control Configure's behavior as far as how to create Makefile.
# Module selection lines, distinguished by having 'Module' at the front.
# These list the configured modules, in priority order (highest priority
# first).  They're down at the bottom.
# Optional module selection lines, distinguished by having `%Module'
# at the front.  These specify a module that is to be compiled in (but
# not enabled).  The AddModule directive can be used to enable such a
# module.  By default no such modules are defined.

# Makefile configuration
# These are added to the general flags determined by Configure.
# Edit these to work around Configure if needed. The EXTRA_* family
# will be added to the regular Makefile flags. For example, if you
# want to compile with -Wall, then add that to EXTRA_CFLAGS. These
# will be added to whatever flags Configure determines as appropriate
# and needed for your platform.
# You can also set the compiler and Optimization used here as well.
# Settings here have priority; If not set, Configure will attempt to guess
# the C compiler, and set OPTIM to '-O2'
EXTRA_LIBS= -L. -lphp  -lgdbm  -L/usr/local/Hughes/lib -lmsql  -lm


# Rules configuration
# These are used to let Configure know that we want certain
# functions. The format is: Rule RULE=value
# At present, only the following RULES are known: WANTHSREGEX, SOCKS4,
# For all Rules, if set to "yes", then Configure knows we want that
# capability and does what is required to add it in. If set to "default"
# then Configure makes a "best guess"; if set to anything else, or not
# present, then nothing is done.
#  If SOCKS4 is set to 'yes', be sure that you add the sock library
#  location to EXTRA_LIBS, otherwise Configure will assume
#  "-L/usr/local/lib -lsocks"
#  If Configure determines that you are using the status_module,
#  it will automatically enable full status information if set
#  to 'yes'. If the status module is not included, having STATUS
#  set to 'yes' has no impact.
#  Only takes effect if Configure determines that you are running
#  SGI IRIX. If you are, and you are using NIS, you should set this
#  to 'yes'

Rule STATUS=yes
Rule SOCKS4=no

# The following rules should be set automatically by Configure. However, if
# they are not set by Configure (because we don't know the correct value for
# your platform), or are set incorrectly, you may override them here.
# If you have to do this, please let us know what you set and what your
# platform is, by filling out a problem report form at the Apache web site:
# <>.  If your browser is forms-incapable,
# you can get the information to us by sending mail to
#  Apache requires a POSIX regex implementation. Henry Spencer's
#  excellent regex package is included with Apache and can be used
#  if desired. If your OS has a decent regex, you can elect to
#  not use this one by setting WANTHSREGEX to 'no' or commenting
#  out the Rule. The "default" action is "no" unless overruled
#  by OS specifics

Rule WANTHSREGEX=default

# Module configuration
# Modules are listed in reverse priority order --- the ones that come
# later can override the behavior of those that come earlier.  This
# can have visible effects; for instance, if UserDir followed Alias,
# you couldn't alias out a particular user's home directory.

# The configuration below is what we consider a decent default 
# configuration.  If you want the functionality provided by a particular
# module, remove the "#" sign at the beginning of the line. But remember, 
# the more modules you compile into the server, the larger the executable
# is and the more memory it will take, so if you are unlikely to use the
# functionality of a particular module you might wish to leave it out.

## Config manipulation modules
## mod_env sets up additional or restricted environment variables to be
## passed to CGI/SSI scripts.  It is listed first (lowest priority) since
## it does not do per-request stuff.

Module env_module          mod_env.o

## mod_dld defines commands that allow other modules to be loaded
## dynamically (at runtime).  This module is for experimental use only.

# Module dld_module          mod_dld.o

## Request logging modules

Module config_log_module   mod_log_config.o

## Optional modules for NCSA user-agent/referer logging compatibility
## We recommend, however, that you just use the configurable access_log.

# Module agent_log_module    mod_log_agent.o
# Module referer_log_module  mod_log_referer.o

## Type checking modules
## mod_mime maps filename extensions to content types, encodings, and
## magic type handlers (the latter is obsoleted by mod_actions).
## mod_negotiation allows content selection based on the Accept* headers.

Module mime_module         mod_mime.o
Module negotiation_module  mod_negotiation.o

## Content delivery modules
## The status module allows the server to display current details about 
## how well it is performing and what it is doing.  Consider also enabling 
## STATUS=yes (see the Rules section near the start of this file) to allow
## full status information.  Check conf/access.conf on how to enable this.

# Module status_module       mod_status.o

## The Info module displays configuration information for the server and 
## all included modules. It's very useful for debugging.

# Module info_module         mod_info.o

## mod_include translates server-side include (SSI) statements in text files.
## mod_dir handles requests on directories and directory indexes.
## mod_cgi handles CGI scripts.

Module includes_module     mod_include.o
Module dir_module          mod_dir.o
Module cgi_module          mod_cgi.o

## The asis module implemented ".asis" file types, which allow the embedding
## of HTTP headers at the beginning of the document.  mod_imap handles internal 
## imagemaps (no more cgi-bin/imagemap/!).  mod_actions is used to specify 
## CGI scripts which act as "handlers" for particular files, for example to
## automatically convert every GIF to another file type.

Module asis_module         mod_asis.o
Module imap_module         mod_imap.o
Module action_module       mod_actions.o

## URL translation modules.
## The UserDir module for selecting resource directories by user name
## and a common prefix, e.g., /~<user> , /usr/web/<user> , etc.

Module userdir_module      mod_userdir.o

## The proxy module enables the server to act as a proxy for outside
## http and ftp services. It's not as complete as it could be yet.
## NOTE: You do not want this module UNLESS you are running a proxy;
##       it is not needed for normal (origin server) operation.

# Module proxy_module        modules/proxy/libproxy.a

## The Alias module provides simple URL translation and redirection.

Module alias_module        mod_alias.o

## mod_rewrite allows for powerful URI-to-URI and URI-to-filename mapping,
## using regular expressions.

# Module rewrite_module      mod_rewrite.o

## Access control and authentication modules. 
Module access_module       mod_access.o
Module auth_module         mod_auth.o

## The anon_auth module allows for anonymous-FTP-style username/ 
## password authentication.

# Module anon_auth_module    mod_auth_anon.o

## db_auth and dbm_auth work with Berkeley DB files - make sure there
## is support for DBM files on your system.  You may need to grab the GNU
## "gdbm" package if not and possibly adjust EXTRA_LIBS. (This may be
## done by Configure at a later date)

# Module db_auth_module      mod_auth_db.o
# Module dbm_auth_module     mod_auth_dbm.o

## msql_auth checks against an mSQL database.  You must have mSQL installed
## and an "msql.h" available for this to even compile.  Additionally,
## you may need to add a couple entries to the EXTRA_LIBS line, like
## This depends on your installation of mSQL. (This may be done by Configure
## at a later date)

# Module msql_auth_module    mod_auth_msql.o

## "digest" implements HTTP Digest Authentication rather than the less 
## secure Basic Auth used by the other modules.

# Module digest_module       mod_digest.o

## Optional response header manipulation modules. 
## cern_meta mimics the behavior of the CERN web server with regards to 
## metainformation files.  

# Module cern_meta_module    mod_cern_meta.o

## The expires module can apply Expires: headers to resources,
## as a function of access time or modification time.

# Module expires_module      mod_expires.o

## The headers module can set arbitrary HTTP response headers,
## as configured in server, vhost, access.conf or .htaccess configs

# Module headers_module      mod_headers.o

## Miscellaneous modules
## mod_usertrack.c is the new name for mod_cookies.c.  This module
## uses Netscape cookies to automatically construct and log
## click-trails from Netscape cookies, or compatible clients who
## aren't coming in via proxy.   
## You do not need this, or any other module to allow your site
## to use Cookies.  This module is for user tracking only

# Module usertrack_module      mod_usertrack.o

## The example module, which demonstrates the use of the API.  See
## the file modules/example/README for details.  This module should
## only be used for testing -- DO NOT ENABLE IT on a production server.

# Module example_module      modules/example/mod_example.o

## mod_browser lets you set environment variables based on the User-Agent
## string in the request; this is useful for conditional HTML, for example.
## Since it is also used to detect buggy browsers for workarounds, it
## should be the last (highest priority) module.
Module browser_module      mod_browser.o
Module php_module  mod_php.o

Danach kann man dann das Konfigurationsscript starten:


danach folgt dann make


Wenn alles klar geht, dann verfügt man anschließend über eine aktuelle Binär-Datei httpd. Mit dieser Datei muß dann noch die alte Version überschrieben werden.

init 1

cp httpd /usr/sbin/httpd

init 2

Damit ist der gesamte Installationsvorgang abgeschlossen.

Die Konfigurationsdateien des Apache sind in dem Text über den Apache beschrieben.


Entfällt, da nur die Konfigurationsdateien des Apache erweitert werden müssen.

Es muß der neue Dateityp .phtml aktiviert werden.

Dazu ergänzt man die Datei /etc/httpd/accesss.conf um die Zeile:

AddType application/x-httpd-php  .phtml

für alle erlaubten Verzeichnisse, speziell also hinter der Zeile <Directory /usr/local/httpd/htdocs>

Kritik, Anregungen und Ergänzungen willkommen. Zusammengestellt von Uwe Debacher, letzte Änderung am 27.01.2006